Bristol gallery of craft and design
The Stradling Collection is a remarkable collection of C20th and C21st design and applied arts. It contains almost 2000 pieces of ceramics, glass, furniture and decorative objects.
The gallery features changing displays from the Collection, or artworks created through our learning programme; sometimes our exhibitions feature both.
We are a charity and donations are very welcome. View opening hours and visitor information.
To see the full collection, we offer curator-led tours which are chargeable and need to be booked in advance as space is limited and tours book up quickly.
Current exhibition
Conscious Clay: Part I, Sam Haile
Part One: Sam Haile 18 January - 9 March In this first part of our sixth-month evolving exhibition, delve into the ceramics of the British Surrealist Sam Haile. Discover the life and work[...]

Bring your students to the Stradling Collection
We welcome visits by groups and individuals to study the collection. We provide workshops and curator-led tours.
In partnership with universities, colleges and secondary schools, we offer hands-on activities for students as well as work experience opportunities.