Become a Friend of the Stradling Collection

A must for anyone who is passionate about design and crafts, especially if you live in the Bristol area.

£30 a year for individuals

£45 a year for couples

Benefits of membership

  • Regular newsletter about the activities of the Stradling Collection
  • Free or half-price entry to ticketed events
  • Private views for Friends before exhibitions open to the public
  • 10% off Ken Stradling Collection merchandise
  • Exclusive events for Friends
  • Entry into a draw to win an annual prize of a Curator’s tour for two.

If you would like to join, please complete the form below. We will return your email with a link to pay. (N.B. It’s all handled manually by part-time staff so please bear with us!) We will also send you a standing order form for you to complete to give to your bank but you can usually arrange this via online banking.

Join the Friends of the Stradling Collection here:

Click this option if you are a UK tax payer and would like your donation to be subject to Gift Aid. The Gift Aid scheme allows UK charities to claim back the tax that you pay on your donation e.g. a £10.00 gift from a UK taxpaying donor is worth £12.50 for us after Gift Aid is claimed.
Leave blank if not a UK taxpayer

If clicking the Gift Aid box above, you are requesting the following: please treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying donations including subscriptions made today, in the past four years, or in the future until I advise otherwise. I confirm I have paid income tax or will pay at least as much income tax and/or CGT (for the year of donation) as will be reclaimed by the Stradling Collection (Registered Charity No.1117689).