Step 1: Choose your membership

Important! These links open in a new window

Also important! Once you have paid, please return to this window and…

Step 2: Let us know!

As we are not properly automated yet, please complete the form below so that we know you have renewed and that we have your correct information.

Click this option if you are a UK tax payer and would like your donation to be subject to Gift Aid. The Gift Aid scheme allows UK charities to claim back the tax that you pay on your donation e.g. a £10.00 gift from a UK taxpaying donor is worth £12.50 for us after Gift Aid is claimed.
Leave blank if not a UK taxpayer

If clicking the Gift Aid box above, you are requesting the following: please treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying donations including subscriptions made today, in the past four years, or in the future until I advise otherwise. I confirm I have paid income tax or will pay at least as much income tax and/or CGT (for the year of donation) as will be reclaimed by the Stradling Collection (Registered Charity No.1117689).

Photo: Ken Stradling at the Bristol Guild

Ken Stradling in action at the Bristol Guild